| Contribute t
is my hope that this site will become an interactive community for children of
divorce and others sensitive to our unique perspective. My desire is that this
is not only a place where we can be assured that our hurts and struggles are normal,
but that it is also a source of help as we also learn from each other how to handle
the triggers that come our way. In addition to the message board, here are a few
other ways to share your thoughts and experiences.
a testimonial. Share a specific situation that is related to your parents'
divorce. Tell your perspective (and your spouse's, if you are married). Then explain
how you resolved the issues and offer words of wisdom for others in that situation.
the survey. I have been collecting this survey for over a year now. The
insights and experiences of the early contributors were used in my first book,
and should I write a follow-up, I'd love to hear from you. Others have told me
that they've used this list as a starting point for reflecting on their own journey.
Share your poetry. Writing
is a source of healing. When my family was falling apart, I often found comfort
in my journal. A poem could better express my feelings of confusion and betrayal
than a simple record of thoughts. Read or contribute poetry in this section.
your lyrics. Read lyrics submitted by other CODs.
I am woman of faith and I freely acknowledge that I need the support and prayers
of others to be successful as I share our stories with others.
Discuss With Other CODs On Our Message Board.